Saturday, August 15, 2015

Still Pushing...

My meeting with the SBDC was changed to Monday at 10:30 am.  I am excited to meet with them to see how they are gong to help me out with my new business.  I have been trying to build my inventory.  Some questions I have are how should I keep inventory?  Should I create item numbers and if I do how do I create them?  I would like them to help me set up an inventory.  

I took some pictures of the necklace I made the other day. I'm trying to get better at taking pictures of my pieces for online storefront. I hope someone other than me will see this and tell me what they think. 

The same day I made this piece I sold it. I think I need to make more like this it seems to be a style that a lot of people like. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

First steps....SCARY!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, most of us have all had thoughts about owning our own business, or better yet taking something we like to do as a hobby and turn it into a business.  Well... That is where I am at.  I make jewelry.  My husband bought me a few kits a number of years ago, I tried them and after that I was hooked!  It has turned into an obsession!  LOL.  

Im sorry let me introduce myself, how rude of me.  My name is Kristi Evans and I have decided to turn my hobby or obsession (which ever you want to call it.), and turned it into a business.  I am a stay at home mother of teenagers and a wife of a wonderful man.  I am unable to work which is a long story I won't bore you with.  My family had hit hard times (who in this country hasn't, right?) my family needed extra income.  I wanted to help my husband out with our financial situation.  So here I am starting a home-based business by making jewelry and selling it online and locally.

In this blog I will be blogging about the steps I go through in becoming a successful business owner.  I will also, be uploading photos of my work.  

Let's start with tomorrow, I am meeting with the SBDC which stands for Small Business Development Center of Colorado.  Anyone who is starting a small business I would suggest you check them out. The SBDC is a great place to find organizations and grants that might be available to help you start your business.  If you decide to take out a start-up loan the SBDC helps you get your business plan together to make going for the loan a slam dunk.

Over the next few weeks or months I know there are going to be times where I am frustrated and think that "I can't do this!". I look forward to hearing from others who are in the same boat and starting up their own businesses.  So, I guess it's time to say "Let the journey begin!"